Manohar Bal Pothi

by Super Keshaw



Monohar Bal Pothi is an educational App for children to learn Vowels, Consonants, Alphabets, Barahkhadi, Counting Table, Writing Letter, Picture Search, Word Search Etc with sounds. Contents of this App१) स्वर और चित्र२) व्यंजन और चित्र३) स्वर वर्ण सीखें४) व्यंजन वर्ण सीखें५) स्वर अनुरेखन६) व्यंजन अनुरेखन७) गिनती सीखें८) पहाड़ा सीखें९) अंग्रेजी सीखें१०) शव्ब्द बोलना सीखें११) शब्द लिखना सीखें१२) वाक्य का प्रयोग१३) चित्र खोजें१४) अक्षर खोजेंFeatures: -• Complete Voice Study• Easy to use and understand• Child Interactive Interface• Easy to identify imageDisclaimerManohar Bal Pothi App is made for educational purpose and support. All the voice and text contents in my app is created by us with T2S App and all the images are taken from the internet ( website ) and others.If you have any Personal Ownership Rights on any content which is shown in my App and any way it violates the law or has any issues then kindly inform us by sending an E-mail, So will remove Application Immediately.Contact with us:[email protected]